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City of Angels, The 7th Kingdom
I'm a Pwincess, who lives on adrenaline rush. Hahaha. I enjoy a good movie, good food and good fight! This blog is created as an avenue for me to jot down my thoughts. Love It. Hate It. I don't freaking care.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm back peeps!


Saye dah kembali ke KL! [actually almost 2 weeks dah hehe]. Back from where you may ask. Back from Marang, Terengganu! I was sent for training there for 3 weeks...sgt la bowhsan okeh! Mase I nak pegi sume org kate best best...tapi bile dah sampai sane...tuhan je la yg tau betapa bosannye tempat tu...huhuuu~ Initially, i was excited to go there sbb the last time I set foot in Terengganu was more or less 15 years ago. Lame kannnnn?? Itu pun singgah tido for one night...we were on our way to Kelantan to attend the wedding of my uncle in Kota Bharu. I remembered we stayed in a hotel near the sea...sgt best n cantek! tapi xpenah tau la plak name parents pun dah lupe. So, that was 15 years ago. My uncle pun dah cerai and kawen lain...hahaha..

Anyways, I was really looking forward to enjoying myself there but was sorely dissapointed. Xde ape pun kat sane and training SUCKS! HUHUUU~ Plus, takleh nak berpoya2 kat Pulau Kapas [which is quite near...boleh tengok from tepi pantai tuh!] sbb it was Monsoon season! Our training centre is located @ Rusila...tempat Ustaz Hj Hadi Awang...ingat ade la chance nak jumpe tapi every time die ade we all tak lepak plak kat pantai tuh...hmmm...Rusila tu xmembangun sgt la...but then again, bile pegi KT pun xde la membangun sgt pun...a pity sbb negeri dorang mcm byk je tempat2 menariksss. The only thing yg best kat sane is the beach...walaupun x cantek sgt area die but i love beaches! So, bile ade free time we will walk down to the beach which is 20 minutes complaints here coz that was probably the only 'heavy' exercise we did over there...owh and plus climbing the stairs 13th storey height..muahahaha sbb a) lift rosak b) Q panjang sbb 187 org kena share 1 lift...gile sengal! huhuu However, the only consolation is the place is very windy sbb atas bukit...fresh air...bilik share dgn azah...annnnndddd ade aiskrim goreng!!! super sedap okay...should you get the chance to go to Terengganu, do try the dish...saye sangat suke and azah meroyan kalau x makan more than 3x in a week haha! [actually I heard kat KL pun ade jugak...kena carik nih!]

I've attached some photos for you to see [courtesy of Fauzi!]. Enjoy!

TM Training Centre, Marang.

View from the top...very windy!

2nd day @ Marang

Geng ber8...heee [from left: Pejo from GEMS Setiu, Nuar, Maskur, Suha, Joein, Me, Azah..and erkk fauzi tukang amek gambar!]

Official v
isit to TM Exchange and jalan2 @ KT

In front of the palace! Ohhh I loike! :)

The day we're all dressed up for official photo...heee dressed up la sgt..

Choir Practice for Gala Dinner

Vocal Teacher, Ms Puts [right] and Penghuluwati [left]

The Big Nite [konon]

Group Performance

The after party

The final days...

sunrise...[ermmm...xde gmbr saye sbb saye sdg berguling atas katil heheee]

Bunguks...hahaha hindustan habes Pejo..

Gayish!!! haha

Bubbye beach...we'll be missing you...

So, okay peeps! byk dah gmbr...
Till my next post...take care! Muaxxx



  1. bestttnyerrr gi ganuuuu (best ker? haha)
    btw sumthin missing la kt sini.. aper ekkk... ker sape? muahhahahaaa...

    cerita ini masih byk yg di tapis yek.. heee

  2. hahahaa bukan tapis...too insignificant to include...haha

  3. ala..kt genting dulu ade je aiskrim goreng..ko xkemaruk pon..hahahaha

  4. erkkk ade ke weh? sampai ati kau x ajak aku kan...camni la kawan...huuu~

  5. haaaa tengok jep! kan adik hazah dah meroyan...kau la ni punye pasal!

  6. ade la..aiskrim goreng..
    mase yg kite gi genting tuhh..yg grup 8 punye..kan aku ade mkn..aku ajak kot korg xnk..aku mkn sorg jekk..hohohoh
